A PinkBoat Adventure - First Ever Draft
I wrote A PinkBoat Adventure when I was in high school. However, to me, it still had merit a dozen years later. So, that is why I...
Another Interesting Read
I thought this book was a pretty interesting book because of the way it was written. I'm not in any way interested in crocodiles, so I...

Review of Claimed
I've reveiwed the book, Claimed, by P.J. O'Dwyer. If you are interested in reading the whole review that I have written please click on...

Teen Reading Suggestion
I just finished reading a pre-teen book. It's titled, "Claimed" by P. J. O'Dwyer. It was pretty good if you like the western lifestyle,...

Another Book Recommendation - features a teddy bear
I would also like to suggest another book. It teaches children how to approach problems the correct way. It also shows that friendship is...

A Children's Book Recommendation
This is such a cute book, I want to recommend it. It is a children's book entitled, "How to Lose a Lemur" by Frann Preston-Gannon. Take a...