New Book - Finally Available
So, I started this journey on creating a new book to add to my first book. It took longer than I had planned. I started in 2016 and here...

Moving Chaos and Settling Down Lulls
It took us a while to get moved into the new place. We went from CA to KS and it took from end of February to end of March to just get...
Sept. 2016
Just wanted to write a quick little blog. I have been rather busy with finishing up the finishing touches to my new book as well as...
Being a Breastfeeding Mom is a Challenge in Today's World
I didn't think breastfeeding would have so many challenges when I decided to do it for my first baby. However, now I know the truth. The...
July 2016 Update
The new book is nearly completed. I've completed everything for the paperback edition. But I have ordered a proof copy to look it over to...
Being a Mom isn't Easy
I knew that being a mom wasn't going to be easy. However, I didn't expect that I would have issues with breastfeeding. I knew I wouldn't...
Discount, baby, and new book Images
If you would like a discount on my children's book, see the newsletter at the bottom of the home page. It will give you my email through...
March 2016
I have been pretty busy. I actually forgot to update this blog. I have been busy with baby stuff, book stuff, and family stuff. I am...
Back to Work for Me
My free book contest has ended and the winners have claimed thier prize. Since I am not occupied with promoting a contest or giveaway, I...
Free Books from Me
Hello everyone. I didn't realize that I hadn't posted a blog post in a while. I must have been too busy with other things. Sometimes that...